Celebrating our Leisure & Lifestyle team

It's Diversional and Recreation Therapy Week in Australia (14-20 February), which means it’s a great opportunity to acknowledge the importance of creating opportunities for older people to identify what brings purpose to their lives.

Why is Leisure & Lifestyle important?

At Tenterfield Care Centre, we have a fabulous team whose primary role is to support and enhance our residents' psychological, spiritual, social, emotional and physical well-being through engagement and purposeful living programs.

Our Leisure & Lifestyle teams have the knowledge and skills to create tailored programs and activities that meet the residents' identified preferences, needs and wants. This approach can reduce depression, falls, responsive behaviours and boredom, along with positive outcomes such as increased enjoyment, satisfaction, happiness, and overall well-being.

We want to thank and acknowledge this amazing team. Their passion and drive to create engaging programs and activities make a big difference in bringing joy and fulfillment to our residents.

Leisure & Lifestyle Staff

Leisure & Lifestyle staff are generally qualified in leisure and health. They work across all our Residential Aged Care homes to create activities that support resident engagement on an individual basis and in large and small groups. By offering a combination of options rather than focusing on the calendar of activities, and including access to both indoor and outdoor spaces, residents can choose to get involved in activities that suit them, when it suits them. Other examples of this include sensory gardens, personalised activity kits and activity stations available to residents 24/7.

You can download the activities that Kim, Aleah and Kasey put together.


Haddington Accreditation has been renewed until February 2024.


Carer Empathy